How To Really Make Money With Your Music

With over 25 years of music industry experience and founder of RazorSharp Music Production, it never fails to amaze me how little industry professionals and new comers know about the business of music.  I have worked with tons of recording artist and music producers. All of them had dreams of grandeur, making big bucks and becoming famous. In today's music industry that's a lot harder than it seems. Without understanding the enter workings of "the business of music", publishing, copyright, music licensing and music registration, as well as today's technology, and how to use it, you will just be spinning your wheels.

Developing a good foundation, like anything you want to build, is a must. Before I began writing this blog I researched the top sites and videos on how to make money with your music. I came up with was bits and pieces of the big picture. There were Youtube videos that focused on placing music on Youtube and getting hits, others talked about how to build a fan base, and even more talked about CDs vs thumb drives. Some of these sites had thousands of hits, I couldn't understand why; until I began to dig deeper into how they were getting their hits.

When searching the internet, most of us will click on the top results or videos with the most views, followings or likes. We do this because we think the information must be good, in some cases it is. Most of the time those web pages, videos and blog post get top ranking because of strategies used by professional bloggers and vloggers. They have learned to use key words and search engine optimization techniques to draw you in. I have found that when it comes to making money with your music, there are no short cuts, you have to start with the basic and work your way up. I will attempt to give you a one stop shop for all the information you will need to be successful with making money with your music, in the shortest amount of time.

Before you start, ask yourself how hard are you willing to work at making money with your music. Second, are you willing to make the commitment it takes to establish the proper foundation needed to generate the type of income you except to earn.

I always encourage new comers to the business to first start with establishing a operating budget. It's important to understand what cost are involved in completing a music recording project. Second, understanding music contract basics. This is important because ownership and publishing rights to your music needs to be spelled out. This is where the money is made. If a song you wrote or produced hits it big, you need to know what percentage of royalties each person involved will get. Understanding music publishing , copyright and licensing is a must if you want to have a chance at making the big bucks. You don't need to become an authority on the business of music, but you do need to know the basics.

Considering things like who is your target audience, and what niches are available within your target audience, what image you want to project, and does it relate to your target audience. Deciding on a music career can be a huge under taking; but if you learn the basics you will be on you way to making money and a successful career. A list of items to consider before starting your career are:

  1. Learn as much as you can about the business of music
  2. Get a working knowledge of music publishing and writers royalties
  3. Take a close look at your image and marketing strategies
  4. Build your own web site
  5. Social sites
  6. Manufacturing and distribution
  7. Music registration and licensing
  8. Music contract basics
  9. Copyright basics

Above is a very short list of things you will need to embrace before starting your project. I have written several audio books on how to make money with your music. Check them out on Audible, and Amazon. You can go to my /store page and get audio books for free if you want to learn key details of what you need to know about the business of music, and how to really make money. subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel. I will be posting a 12 part series on my blog page and Youtube channel on how to really, really make money with your music. I will cover the details of establishing a solid recording budget, music publishing and writers royalties, music copyright, building your own web site and using it to make money. I will also cover image and marketing strategies as well as music licensing, manufacturing and distribution.

Please subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel for updates and new post on making money with your music.





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